Tuesday, September 22, 2009

So I like Munich, but am too little to do Octoberfest without a stunt double...

I left the hotel at 8 am this morning for MTU. It was a nice calm ride. My mission today was to kiss MTU's butt and make them love Carlton again. The morning was nice and sunny, not a cloud in the sky. I knew if was going to be hot today. And I started to dread the meeting at MTU. Why you might ask?

MTU does not have air conditioning in the offices. In Bavaria they don't really need it since it does not really get that warm here right?

The meetings in the morning went well. They were eating out of my hands. I was even starting to believe the BS I was dishing out.

I at white fish for lunch in the MTU executive dinning area. It was nice, but it was getting hot. by the time that we got back to the conference room from lunch I think that it was in the 90's in the room. The MTU people were going to solve this by opening the windows. Yeah, that worked.

At 3:30 we concluded the meeting. I took a taxi back to the hotel and Wolfgang was going to come to my hotel and walk to the Octoberfest with me at 4:15.

At 4:20 Wolfgang showed up in full leaderhosen and we walked for 20 minutes to the 2009 Octoberfest. Yeah me.

MTU was in a different beer hall this year. I was told that it was more traditional and smaller so we could have conversation.

I have to admit the tent was very nice. It was decorated in green fabric. All I kept thinking was "Mom and Paula would really like this tent." We were seated in the MTU area, which was on the second level above the crazies. It was a pretty good spot. Of course the mas's arrived minutes after we sat down. But the beer was cool compared to the tent. The food was nice. A cold tray with radished and meats was sreved first. Then the second round of mas's arrived. This was going to be a bad Octoberfest for me with no CFW backup drinkers. The first trip to the bathroom was an adventure.

The people in the tent started to get a little crazy.

This is a photo of part of the group. From left to right: Elizabeth Jordan, Esther Umbreight, Wolfgang Von Rutzen and me. This was beer #1.

This is an action photo of the dancing.
This is beer #2 and the food that arrived. The chicken and pork was great.
Or maybe I was starving. Who will know.
Apparently it tasted good, because I couldn't find a moment to take a picture before eating half of it.
After the dinner I had to take a walk outside. The tent was very hot and the ciggarette smoke was getting to me. This is from out the door of the tent.
I popped in to the Hofbrau House tent to get some photo's of the hops. The MTU people had told me a story that the HB tent used more hops for decoration than it took to brew all of the beer that would be used at the Octoberfest. I have to admit, the celing decorations looked great and smelled nice too.
These are all hops.
This is the image of the spirit that supposedly went up to heaven and came back becasue Octoberfest was better than heaven?? It seem to be tradition in the HB tent for men to talk women out of their bras and then throw then up on the harp on this thing hanging from the celing. You can see one on the harp near his hand and then the like of them at his feet.

This is the statue of mother Bavaira. She was in the shadow tonight.
This tent is a wine tent. I thought that it was strange, but the Germans said that the 'snobs" went to this tent.
I saw this an thought of Paula. They had a corn stand. Just like the farmers market.
This is when we got back to the tent. Our 3rd beers were waiting for us. Yeah.

This was hour 5 of the Octoberfest. The tent was getting'very active'. People were dancing and singing all over the place.

I decided to take some video to try to let you know how loud it was in the tent. And so that you could see all of the dancing. I hope that you can view a few of them.

After 2 rounds of schnaps and a glass of champaign it was closing time for Octoberfest. Thank God. They turned the lights out so we all had to leave. My head was hurting so bad. I had to pee, but I was going to get back to the hotel before waiting in the line again. Made for a nice walk back to the hotel.
Now I am back at the hotel and I am sooooo tired. I smell like smoke. And my head hurts. I am going to rest for an hour before I get up and wash the smoke smell out of my hair.
2:20 am and the taxi picks me up at 6 to take me to the airport. Heading to Sweden soon. One more day until I get to head home:)