Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Visit to the Giant Panda Research Center

Dad called me this morning and asked me if I was going to the Panda place that Janet told him about. I told him 'no' since I was planning on being at 2 meetings for the day and would not have time. So today I am feeling pretty sick. I woke up and my head hurt very bad and my stomach was not in good shape. But the only reason why I am in China is to work so gotta go.

It took almost an hour to get from the hotel to AVIC for my meeting. I will not repeat my throwing up story that took place once I arrived. My meeting was a very good meeting for me to learn about the things that I needed to, but the news was not good. At the end of the meeting we took a tour of a couple of the AVIC shops and one of the lady's pointed out the the property bordered the Panda facility (it just looked like a wall of trees). After lunch the AVIC people (who were very nice) said that we could take a quick walk through. So we went. The one problem was that 1.) this was not a small place, 2.) I was not feeling well, 3.) It was kind of cold out. But none the less it was worth it to go there. It was so amazing to see these Panda's. I took as many pictures as I could, but they do not show the different sizes of the bears very well. But you can get an idea.

This is a photo of the entrance.
Once you go through the entrance you have to walk through this tunnel of bamboo that was really pretty. It was decorated with these red ornaments for Chinese New Year. Krista asked me to take a photo of her here. I did and thought that is was nice so I got one too.
Here I am.
The first thing that I saw at the Panda Research Center was not a Panda but a very large (the largest that I have ever seen) Peacock. The male had a whole flock of large ugly females with him.

This is the Red Panda area.
To me the Red Panda's looked like big Racoon's

It was like this Peacock was following us.
These are some of his ladies.

This was the first Panda pen that we came up to. It was where the Panda's between 1 and 2 years old were. All these guy's were doing was eating, but it was fun to watch.

Still following us.

I have some good video of these guy's.

This was the entrance to the Panda nursery. I though that is looked so nice. Like a part that you would like to go and play at.
These are some photo's of some 1 year old Panda's that were still in the nursery area.

This is a photo of a baby Panda that was asleep on the climbing thing. It was pretty cute. This little guy was just a little bigger than Lucy.

Inside the nursery building there was one little Panda, he was smaller than Lucy. He was roaming around trying to find some trouble to get into.

This guy was so little that he could squeeze through the bars and go into any cage that he wanted to. He was looking for some fun.

These are the one year olds that were outside. These guys are twins.

These 4 Panda's were born all about the same time to different parents.

These guys were a lot of fund to watch. I was telling Krista here that they were eating their lunch and watching people TV. She didn't get it.

We passes by a second Red Panda Pen.

Then Krista and I had to go to our second meeting.