Monday, February 1, 2010

First Reception of tte Singapore air show 2010

So Singapore is still hot and sticky. My camera was in the hotel room all day so I thought of you guys and got my phone out to take some awesome photo's for you. BTW my phone is not working that great here.

We met at 5 pm at the Regent hotel to take a bus to Sentosa Island (I think that this is not spelled correctly). It was supposed to be a 20 minute bus ride, but there was traffic so it was like Gilligan's Island. The island that this reception was on has the new Singapore Universal Studio's on it, so there was basically nothing there but people on vacation. The receotion awas at a beach so you could dress casual. I was talked into wearing shorts (nice ones) "because everyone was going to be wearing them". Basically a few people were wearing them. But I was more comfortable than them and that is my story.
So here is my awesome photographic attempt to give you a graphic of the Kallman Reception. I think people were just a little too laid back and casual at this reception

This is a photo of myself by someone who is not great at using a camera phone and taking a photo of someone who was thrilled to be there. It was kind of like Hawaii, but muggier and stickier.
They could have used a better decorator for this event.
I will try to do better with the camera tomorrow. Tired and worn out. My MS does notreally like the weather in Singapore.