Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My Tour of the largest Dubai Shopping Malls
Today I met with the Volvo group for the day. The meeting was very good. After the meeting with Volvo but before the AIA Ambassador's took a trip to the Dubal mall (the newest mall) - which is the newest mall in Dubai. This is a photo of the worlds tallest structure the Burge. I want to try and see it.
In the mall as I walked in there was an ice rink. Kind of like the mall in Clackamas.
This was not like the mall in Clackamas though.
There was an aquarium and an zoo at the mall. The fish at this aquarium were massive in size and quanitity. I was completely facilnated with this huge fich to the left int he photo.
They also had sharks.
The sharks were big ones. It was just like shark week on Animal Planet.

This was a tank where they had little aligators and turtles. It was so funny the turtles were pushing the aligators around.
This was the one thing here the I found pretty gross. These little worm things. I never want to see these things in the ocean.
This was the mall that I read the article about that had the worlds largest candy store. I was told that since the people here cannot drink alcohol they eat candy instead. This store was huge.

Our family would have spent hours here. They even had a whole nut section.
This is the Waterfall inside of the Mall of Dubai.
Only had about an hour at the mall before I had to get back to the hotel for the reception. On the way back here is what I saw. These are the World Finacial Towers.